Blood Vessel Laser Removal

Author: Dr. Bobby Buka

laser blood vessel removalThe KTP, or potassium titanyl-phosphate, laser medical procedure is used to treat blood vessels that mark the facial area. This includes brown sun spots and redness from rosacea. It is also utilized to remove these same vessels from other parts of the body such as the legs and chest.

This treatment promises dramatic results. There is no pain associated with the treatment and it does not require any downtime to the patient’s lifestyle. While most improvement can be seen immediately, there are instances where it may take a few days to a couple of weeks following the procedure before a patient sees results.

KTP uses an extremely precise laser that selects specific irregular skin spots. These are the hemoglobin (red) and melanin (brown) areas on the skin surface. The KTP laser gently coagulates blood vessels under the skin, collapsing those vessels and minimizing the typical redness associated with rosacea. When treating sun spots (lentigines), KTP energy targets the melanocytes found in the epidermis.

With a qualified and experienced dermatologist, this procedure will usually take between one or two sessions. More serious cases may require a series of treatments. This is a non-invasive procedure that does not take long. It is painless and causes no excessive skin redness or bruising. Many patients are back at work or returning to their normal lifestyle immediately after treatment.

This is an affordable solution to treating a skin disorder that many of us would rather not be afflicted with. While results have and continue to be promising, no one can guarantee results. Our dermatologists will cover all expected results before treatment so that you have a firm understanding of KTP.

If you’re in the New York City area and would like to know more about laser sun spot removal, contacting one of our experienced clinicians would be the first step to an exciting new look.