What Would You Recommend to Remove Smoker’s Lines Above the Lip?

Author: Dr. Bobby Buka

I typically use three modalities for smoker lines around the lip. The first is just a whiff of Botox; a very low dose of Botox will not affect phonation, or the muscles around the mouth. It can help smooth out wrinkles around the mouth.

The second recommended modality would be a very fine hyaluronic acid. Products like Belotero or Restylane, for example, can provide results. They can smooth superficial lines, or radial lines, around the lips.

Finally, a carbon dioxide laser or the Fraxel laser can remove additional smoker lines. The laser can smooth lines around the mouth more superficially.

These three modalities are ones we typically use. Often, we perform them separately or combine them for results. After treatments, patients can notice improvement in smoker lines.