Medical Facials

At The Derm Specs, we’re all about marrying together medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatology to help you look the best version of yourself. Facial esthetic treatments can be a fantastic compliment to great overall dermatology care, and we are proud to offer professional esthetic services at a number of our office locations with trained estheticians. Check out the types of esthetic treatments we offer, what they involve, and what types of skin conditions they are most effective for below!

Custom Facials

These results-driven, custom treatments are specially designed to target specific skin concerns including acne, fine lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation.

Foundation (60 minutes)

Includes: Cleansing / Exfoliation / Extractions / Mask / Moisturizer / Sun protection


Advanced (75 minutes)

Includes: Cleansing / Exfoliation / Extractions / Mask / Moisturizer / LED Light / Hydrojelly Masks / Sun protection




A minimally abrasive instrument to gently sand your skin, removing the thicker, uneven outer layer. This type of skin rejuvenation is used to treat light scarring, clogged pores, discoloration, sun damage and stretch marks.


Nano-Infusion Facial

A non-invasive therapy that enhances the skin’s product absorption. It is used to create microscopic pathways in the epidermis using small combs, allowing more nutrients to absorb into the lower layers of the skin without penetrating it (no needles involved). Safe on pregnant patients and with no downtime.



Involves carefully shaving off the top most layer of the skin, with the resulting exfoliation and hair removal leaving your skin brighter and smoother. The treatment can soften fine lines and wrinkles and ease hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone.n


Light & Medium Chemical Peels

Used to treat wrinkles, discolored skin, scars and acne. Varies in depth from superficial (light) to deep; the deeper peels offer a more dramatic result but have a longer downtime.


Stand Alone Treatments:

LIGHT (GLYCO SAL, LACTIC) Chemical Peels (15 Minutes)


MEDIUM (JES, TCA) Chemical Peels (15 Minutes)


DEEP (VI PEEL) Chemical Peels (15 Minutes)


DEEP (VI PEEL PRECISION PLUS) Chemical Peels (15 Minutes)


Microneedling (60 Minutes)


Ready To Get Started?

Do You Have Any Questions?

If you have any questions about any of these treatments, please give us a call at 212-385-3700 and we would be happy to assist.