Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV 1)


Herpes Simplex Virus 1, more commonly known as herpes, is an infection of the skin that includes watery blisters in the skin around the lips and mouth. Even though a herpes infection may only have one outbreak of sores, it is highly likely that an individual will have multiple outbreaks in the near future.

Herpes is spread orally, through kissing or sharing of objects, such as toothbrushes or eating utensils. Once an individual obtains the virus, it can stay dormant for many months. Attacks of the herpes virus may occur and create unnecessary stress, fatigue, or severe irritation to the infected area.

Best Treatments for HSV 1

Antiviral medications are prescribed to people that have a primary outbreak oral herpes.  With the help of antiviral medication, the severity and length of an outbreak can be reduced. In addition, antiviral medication can help decrease the number of days individuals have to endure painful sores.

The antiviral medications work by stopping the herpes virus from multiplying in the body. Since the virus will never leave the body, only the physical aspects of herpes will go away. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, a five-day treatment is usually prescribed. The sooner the medication is started, the faster and easier the symptoms will be relieved.

Chronic Suppression Therapy

Many patients do not require Chronic Suppression Therapy (CST), but those who experience six or more outbreaks a year with severe pain, may consider this treatment. With so many outbreaks a year, an individual’s personal life may be thoroughly affected. CST helps those who are emotionally and psychologically stressed from the appearance and pain of herpes.

It is important to take the suppression therapy as prescribed, otherwise the therapy will be ineffective and outbreaks will continue to occur. Depending on the severity and occurrences of outbreaks, some patients are prescribed enough suppression therapy to combat any indiscriminate symptoms that may occur.

For patients with more frequent outbreaks, our dermatologists create a treatment plan that involves between six months to a year of prescription medications. For patients that follow the prescribed medication plan they experience a decrease or complete halt in outbreaks.

Set-Up an Appointment Today!

Call our office today to set up an appointment with The Dermatology Specialists. We’ll discuss and examine the severity of your symptoms, and provide a treatment plan best for your situation.